Most of my papers are posted on the E-print Archive. Disclaimer: Please see the original journal article for the final version. Also see Google Scholar for citations of my articles.
Peer Reviewed Publications
(Published, Accepted, or Submitted — as of August 2023)
- G. Dauphinais, D.W. Kribs, M. Vasmer, Stabilizer formalism for operator algebra quantum error correction, submitted for publication.
- D.W. Kribs, J. Levick, R. Pereira, M. Rahaman, Operator algebra generalization of a theorem of Watrous and mixed unitary channels, submitted for publication.
- D.W. Kribs, C. Mintah, M. Nathanson, R. Pereira, Chordal graphs and distinguishability of quantum product states, submitted for publication.
- N. Cao, J. Lin, D.W. Kribs, Y.-T. Poon, B. Zeng, R. Laflamme, NISQ: error correction, mitigation, and noise simulation, submitted for publication.
- D.W. Kribs, J. Levick, R. Pereira, M. Rahaman, Entanglement breaking rank via complimentary channels and multiplicative domains, Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, to appear.
- A. Conlon, J. Crann, D.W. Kribs, R.H. Levene, Quantum teleportation in the commuting operator framework, Annales Henri Poincare, 24 (2023), 1779-1821.
- J. Crann, D.W. Kribs, R. Pereira, Orthogonal unitary matrices and a subfactor conjecture, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 151 (2023), 3793-3799.
- D. Ashlock, C. Gregor, G.A. Ruz, D. MacKinnon, D.W. Kribs, A novel linear representation for evolving matrices, Soft Computing, 26 (2022), 6645-6657.
- J. Ahiable, D.W. Kribs, J. Levick, R. Pereira, M. Rahaman, Entanglement breaking channels, stochastic matrices, and primitivity, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 629 (2021), 219-231.
- D.W. Kribs, J. Levick, K. Olfert, R. Pereira, M. Rahaman, Nullspaces of entanglement breaking channels and applications, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical & Theoretical, 54 (2021), 105303.
- D.W. Kribs, J. Levick, M. Nelson, R. Pereira, M. Rahaman, Approximate quasiorthogonality of operator algebras and relative quantum privacy, Reports on Mathematical Physics, 87 (2021), 167-181.
- D.W. Kribs, D. Mammarella, R. Pereira, Isoclinic subspaces and quantum error correction, Operators and Matrices, 15 (2021), 571-580.
- D.W. Kribs, C. Mintah, M. Nathanson, R. Pereira, Operator and graph theoretic techniques for distinguishing quantum states via one-way LOCC, Applied Sciences, 11 (2021), 9542.
- N. Cao, D.W. Kribs, C.-K. Li, M. Nelson, Y.-T. Poon, B. Zeng, Higher rank matricial ranges and hybrid quantum error correction, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 69 (2021), 827-839.
- J. Crann, D.W. Kribs, R.H. Levene, I.G. Todorov, State convertibility in the von Neumann algebra framework, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 378 (2020), 1123-1156.
- D.W. Kribs, C. Mintah, M. Nathanson, R. Pereira, Vector representations of graphs and distinguishing quantum product states with one-way LOCC, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 602 (2020), 223-239.
- D.W. Kribs, C. Mintah, M. Nathanson, R. Pereira, One-way LOCC indistinguishable lattice states via operator structures, Quantum Information Processing, 19 (2020), 194.
- J. Li, Z. Luo, T. Xin, H. Wang, D. Kribs, D. Lu, B. Zeng, R. Laflamme, Experimental implementation of efficient quantum pseudorandomness on a 12-spin system, Physical Review Letters, 123, 030502 (2019).
- M. Kazakov, D.W. Kribs, R. Pereira, Real higher-rank numerical ranges and ellipsoids, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 577 (2019), 204-213.
- D.W. Kribs, J. Levick, M. Nelson, R. Pereira, M. Rahaman, Quantum complementarity and operator structures, Quantum Information & Computation, 19 (2019), 67-83.
- D.W. Kribs, C. Mintah, M. Nathanson, R. Pereira, Quantum error correction and one-way LOCC, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 60 (2019), 032202.
- J. Chen, Z. Ji, D.W. Kribs, B. Zeng, Minimum entangling power is close to its maximum, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical & Theoretical, 52 (2019), 215302.
- D.W. Kribs, J. Levick, R. Pereira, Quantum privacy and Schur product channels, Reports on Mathematical Physics, 80 (2017), 333-347.
- D.W. Kribs, C. Mintah, M. Nathanson, R. Pereira, Operator structures and quantum LOCC conditions, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 58 (2017), 092201.
- D.W. Kribs, R.H. Levene, S.C. Power, Commutants of weighted shift directed graph operator algebras, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 145 (2017), 3465-3480.
- H. Wang, W. Zheng, N. Yu, K. Li, D. Lu, T. Xin, C. Li, Z. Ji, D. Kribs, B. Zeng, X. Peng, J. Du, Quantum state and process tomography via adaptive measurements, Science China: Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 59 (2016), 1-8.
- D.W. Kribs, J. Levick, R. Pereira, Totally positive density matrices and linear preservers, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 33 (2016), 313-320.
- J. Crann, D.W. Kribs, R.H. Levene, I.G. Todorov, Private algebras in quantum information and infinite-dimensional complementarity, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 57, 015208 (2016).
- J. Levick, T. Jochym-O’Connor, D.W. Kribs, R. Laflamme, R. Pereira, Private quantum subsystems and quasiorthogonal operator algebras, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical & Theoretical, 49, 125302 (2016).
- X. Ma, T. Jackson, H. Zhou, J. Chen, D. Lu, M.D. Mazurek, K.A.G. Fisher, X. Peng, D.W. Kribs, K.J. Resch, Z. Ji, B. Zeng, R. Laflamme, Pure state tomography with expectation value of Pauli operators, Physical Review A, 93, 032140 (2016).
- N. Johnston, D.W. Kribs, Duality of entanglement norms, Houston Journal of Mathematics, 41 (2015), 831-847.
- J. Levick, R. Pereira, D.W. Kribs,The four dimensional Perfect-Mirsky conjecture, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 143 (2015), 1951-1956.
- T. Jochym-O’Connor, D.W. Kribs, R. Laflamme, S. Plosker, Quantum subsystems: exploring the complementarity between quantum error correction and quantum privacy, Physical Review A, 90, 032305 (2014).
- J. Chen, Z. Ji, D.W. Kribs, N. Lutkenhaus, B. Zeng, Symmetric extension of two-qubit states, Physical Review A, 90, 032318 (2014).
- D.W. Kribs, S. Plosker, Private quantum codes: introduction and connection with higher rank numerical ranges, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 62 (2014), 639-647.
- J. Chen, H. Dawkins, Z. Ji, N. Johnston, D.W. Kribs, F. Shultz, B. Zeng, Uniqueness of quantum states compatible with given measurement results, Physical Review A, 88, 012109 (2013).
- T. Jochym-O’Connor, D.W. Kribs, R. Laflamme, S. Plosker, Private quantum subsystems, Physical Review Letters, 111, 030502 (2013).
- D.W. Kribs, R. Pereira, S. Plosker, Trumping and power majorization, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 61 (2013), 1455-1463.
- D.W. Kribs, J. Levick, R. Pereira, Unital affine semigroups, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 439 (2013), 2106-2113.
- J. Chen, Z. Ji, D.W. Kribs, Z. Wei, B. Zeng, Ground-state spaces of frustration-free Hamiltonians, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 53, 102201 (2012).
- J. Chen, Z. Ji, D.W. Kribs, A. Klyachko, B. Zeng, Rank reduction for the local consistency problem: an algebraic geometry approach, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 53, 022202 (2012).
- N. Johnston and D. W. Kribs, Quantum gate fidelity in terms of Choi matrices, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical & Theoretical, 44, 495303 (2011).
- A. Church, D.W. Kribs, R. Pereira, S. Plosker, Conditional expectations, trace vectors and private quantum channels, Quantum Information & Computation, 11 (2011), 774-783.
- N. Johnston, D.W. Kribs, V. I. Paulsen, R. Pereira, Minimal and maximal operator spaces and operator systems in entanglement theory, Journal of Functional Analysis 260 (2011), 2407–2423.
- N. Johnston, D. W. Kribs, A family of norms with applications in quantum information theory II, Quantum Information & Computation, 11 (2011), 104–123.
- A. Church, R. Pereira, D.W. Kribs, Majorization and multiplier sequences, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 435 (2011), 2132-2139.
- N. Johnston, D.W. Kribs, Generalized multiplicative domains and quantum error correction, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 139 (2011), 627-639.
- S.L. Braunstein, D.W. Kribs, M.K. Patra, Zero-error subspaces for quantum channels, 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 104-108.
- N. Johnston, D.W. Kribs, A family of norms with applications in entanglement theory, 2011 ICO International Conference on Information Photonics, 10.1109.
- J. Crann, R. Pereira, D.W. Kribs, Anticoherent spin states and spherical designs, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical & Theoretical, 43 (2010) 255307.
- N. Johnston and D. W. Kribs, A family of norms with applications in quantum information theory, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 51, 082202 (2010). Selected for the Virtual Journal of Quantum Information.
- N. Johnston, D.W. Kribs, Schmidt operator norms and entanglement theory, 4th International Conference on Quantum, Nano and Micro Technologies, (2010), 92-95.
- K. Schreiter, A. Pasieka, R. Kaltenbaek, K. Resch, D.W. Kribs, Optical implementation of a unitarily correctable code, Physical Review A, 80, 022311 (2009). Selected for the Virtual Journal of Quantum Information.
- C. Beny, A. Kempf, D.W. Kribs, Quantum error correction on infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 50 (2009), 062108. Selected for the Virtual Journal of Quantum Information.
- M.-D. Choi, N. Johnston, D.W. Kribs, The multiplicative domain in quantum error correction, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical & Theoretical, 42 (2009), 245303.
- N. Johnston, D.W. Kribs, V.I. Paulsen, Computing stabilized norms for quantum operations via the theory of completely bounded maps, Quantum Information & Computation, 9 (2009), 16-35.
- A. Pasieka, D.W. Kribs, R. Laflamme, R. Pereira, On the geometric interpretation of single qubit quantum operations on the Bloch sphere, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 108 (2009), 697.
- N. Johnston, D.W. Kribs, C.-W. Teng, An operator algebraic formulation of the stabilizer formalism for quantum error correction, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 108 (2009), 687.
- D.W. Kribs, A. Pasieka, M. Laforest, C. Ryan, M. Silva, Research problems on numerical ranges in quantum computing, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 57 (2009), 491-502.
- A. Pasieka, D.W. Kribs, K. Zyczkowski, Entropy of a quantum error correction code, Open Systems & Information Dynamics, 15 (2008), 329-343.
- D. Kretschmann, D.W. Kribs, R.W. Spekkens, Complementarity of private and correctable subsystems in quantum cryptography and error correction, Physical Review A, 78, 032330 (2008). Selected for the Virtual Journal of Quantum Information.
- M. Lesosky, P. Kim, D.W. Kribs, Regularized deconvolution on the $2D$-Euclidean motion group, Inverse Problems, 24, 055017 (2008).
- M. Silva, E. Magesan, D.W. Kribs, J. Emerson, Scalable protocol for identification of correctable codes, Physical Review A, 78, 012347 (2008). Selected for the Virtual Journal of Quantum Information.
- M.-D. Choi, M. Giesinger, J.A. Holbrook, D.W. Kribs, Geometry of higher-rank numerical ranges, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 56 (2008), 53-64.
- C. Beny, D.W. Kribs, A. Pasieka, Algebraic formulation of quantum error correction, International Journal of Quantum Information, 6 (2008), 597-603.
- B. Bodmann, V. Paulsen, D.W. Kribs, Decoherence-insensitive quantum communication with optimal C*-encoding, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 53 (2007), 4738-4749.
- C. Beny, A. Kempf, D.W. Kribs, Quantum error correction of observables, Physical Review A, 76, 042303 (2007). Selected for the Virtual Journal of Quantum Information.
- M.-D. Choi, J.A. Holbrook, D.W. Kribs, K. Zyczkowski, Higher-rank numerical ranges of unitary and normal matrices, Operators and Matrices, 1 (2007), 409-426.
- C. Beny, A. Kempf, D.W. Kribs, Generalization of quantum error correction via the Heisenberg picture, Physical Review Letters, 98, 100502 (2007). Selected for the Virtual Journal of Quantum Information.
- D.W. Kribs, B. Solel, A class of limit algebras associated with directed graphs, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 82 (2007), 1-24.
- M. Silva, E. Magesan, D.W. Kribs, J. Emerson, Experimental identification of noiseless encodings for twirled channels, Asian Conference on Quantum Information Science (AQIS), Kyoto, Japan (2007), 99-100.
- D.W. Kribs, R.W. Spekkens, Quantum error correcting subsystems are unitarily recoverable subsystems, Physical Review A, 74, 042329 (2006). Selected for the Virtual Journal of Quantum Information.
- M.-D. Choi, D.W. Kribs, K. Zyczkowski, Quantum error correcting codes from the compression formalism, Reports on Mathematical Physics, 58 (2006), 77-91.
- M.-D. Choi, D.W. Kribs, K. Zyczkowski, Higher rank numerical ranges and compression problems, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 418 (2006), 828-839.
- M.-D. Choi, D.W. Kribs, A method to find quantum noiseless subsystems, Physical Review Letters, 96, 050501 (2006). Selected for the Virtual Journal of Quantum Information.
- E. Katsoulis, D.W. Kribs, Tensor algebras of C*-correspondences and their C*-envelopes, Journal of Functional Analysis, 234 (2006), 226-233.
- D.W. Kribs, R. Laflamme, D. Poulin, M. Lesosky, Operator quantum error correction, Quantum Information & Computation, 6 (2006), 382-399.
- E. Katsoulis, D.W. Kribs, The C*-envelope of the tensor algebra of a directed graph, Integral Equations & Operator Theory, 56 (2006), 300-313.
- D.W. Kribs, S.C. Power, Analytic algebras of higher rank graphs, Mathematical Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 106 (2006), 199-218.
- D.W. Kribs, A brief introduction to operator quantum error correction, Contemporary Mathematics, American Mathematical Society, 414 (2006), 27-34.
- D.W. Kribs, R. Laflamme, D. Poulin, A unified and generalized approach to quantum error correction, Physical Review Letters, 94, 180501 (2005). Selected for the Virtual Journal of Quantum Information.
- D.W. Kribs, A quantum computing primer for operator theorists, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 400 (2005), 147-167.
- M. Junge, P. Kim, D.W. Kribs, Universal collective rotation channels and quantum error correction, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 46 (2005), 022102. Selected for the Virtual Journal of Quantum Information.
- E. Katsoulis, D.W. Kribs, Applications of the Wold decomposition to the study of row contractions associated with directed graphs, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 357 (2005), 3739-3755.
- J.A. Holbrook, D.W. Kribs, R. Laflamme, D. Poulin, Noiseless subsystems for collective rotation channels in quantum information theory, Integral Equations & Operator Theory, 51 (2005), 215-234.
- M.T. Jury, D.W. Kribs, Ideal structure in free semigroupoid algebras from directed graphs, Journal of Operator Theory, 53 (2005), 273-302.
- M.T. Jury, D.W. Kribs, Partially isometric dilations of noncommuting $n$-tuples of operators, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 133 (2005), 213-222.
- E. Katsoulis, D.W. Kribs, Isomorphisms of algebras associated with directed graphs, Mathematische Annalen, 330 (2004), 709-728.
- D.W. Kribs, S.C. Power, Free semigroupoid algebras, Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society 19 (2004), 75-117.
- D.W. Kribs, Non-selfadjoint operator algebras generated by weighted shifts on Fock space, Houston Journal of Mathematics, 30 (2004), 147-169.
- J.A. Holbrook, D.W. Kribs, R. Laflamme, Noiseless subsystems and the structure of the commutant in quantum error correction, Quantum Information Processing, 2 (2004), 381-419.
- D.W. Kribs, S.C. Power, Partly free algebras, Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, Birkhauser-Verlag Basel/Switzerland, 149 (2004), 381-393.
- D.W. Kribs, On bilateral weighted shifts in noncommutative multivariable operator theory, Indiana University Mathematics Journal, 52 (2003), 1595 – 1614.
- D.W. Kribs, Quantum channels, wavelets, dilations, and representations of $\O_n$, Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, 46 (2003), 421-433.
- P.E.T. Jorgensen, D.W. Kribs, Wavelet representations and Fock space on positive matrices, Journal of Functional Analysis, 197 (2003), 526-559.
- D.W. Kribs, Inductive limit algebras from periodic weighted shifts on Fock space,New York Journal of Mathematics, 8 (2002), 145-159.
- K.R. Davidson, D.W. Kribs, M.E. Shpigel, Isometric dilations of non-commuting finite rank n-tuples, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 53 (2001), 506-545.
- D.W. Kribs, The curvature invariant of a non-commuting $n$-tuple, Integral Equations & Operator Theory, 41 (2001), 426-454.
- D.W. Kribs, Factoring in non-commutative analytic Toeplitz algebras, Journal of Operator Theory, 45 (2001), 175-193.
Book Chapters
- D.W. Kribs, D. Poulin, Operator quantum error correction, chapter in “Quantum Error Correction”, Cambridge University Press, 2013, T. Brun, D. Lidar, P. Zanardi, eds.
- D.W. Kribs, Non-commuting n-tuples of operators and dilation theory, PhD Thesis, Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Waterloo (2000), 138 pp. Advisor: Prof. K.R. Davidson.
- D.W. Kribs, The Jacobson radical of a CSL algebra, MMath Thesis, Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Waterloo (1996), 74 pp. Advisor: Prof. K.R. Davidson.
Unpublished Manuscripts
- D.W. Kribs, F. Markopoulou, Geometry from quantum particles,
- D.W. Kribs, A unified framework for graph algebras and quantum causal histories,